How to Shine as a Star Performer in Difficult Times: Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita ?


In our journey to success, we all aspire to become star performers, especially during challenging times. The ability to excel regardless of the circumstances is what sets a substantial leader apart from a circumstantial one. In this article, we will draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita to understand how we can thrive as star performers even in the face of adversity.

Embracing Difficult Times:

Life is a rollercoaster ride, and difficult times are an inevitable part of it. It is essential to understand that both good and bad situations will come and go. The key lies not in controlling what happens around us but in how we respond to these situations.

Circumstantial vs. Substantial Leaders:

The Bhagavad Gita distinguishes between two types of leaders: circumstantial and substantial leaders. Circumstantial leaders perform well only when circumstances are favorable, but their performance wavers when faced with challenges. On the other hand, substantial leaders remain steadfast in their pursuit of excellence, regardless of the situation.

The Power of Choice:

The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the power of choice in shaping our responses to events. Lord Krishna advises Arjuna that he has been given the wisdom of the Gita and now has the freedom to choose his actions. Similarly, we have the autonomy to decide how we respond to difficult situations.

The Formula for Success:

According to the Bhagavad Gita, the outcome of any event is determined by the event itself and our response to it. This can be expressed as "event + response = outcome." While we may not have control over the events, we can undoubtedly control our reactions.

Working on Intent and Content:

To become star performers, we need to focus on improving our intent (background) rather than merely seeking to change outcomes (content). By strengthening our inner resolve, we can navigate through tough times with resilience and determination.

The Need for Personal Growth:

To excel in any endeavor, including being a star performer, personal growth is essential. We must continuously work on ourselves, honing our skills and attitudes. As we evolve, our ability to tackle challenges and achieve success will improve naturally.


Becoming a star performer during difficult times is an attainable goal. By drawing insights from the Bhagavad Gita, we learn that our responses to challenges define our path to success. Embracing the teachings of the substantial leader, we can thrive in any situation, unlocking our true potential and shining brightly in our pursuits.

My personal view point 

 I believe that incorporating timeless wisdom into practical advice for personal and professional growth can have a significant impact. The Bhagavad Gita's teachings align perfectly with this philosophy, offering profound insights into becoming a star performer regardless of life's ups and downs. By applying these principles, you can not only excel in your endeavors but also experience a profound transformation in your approach to life. Remember, the power to shine as a star performer lies within you - in your choices and responses.

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